Driving Easy

The Driving School

Here For You

  Hardy's improvement school driving
Contact me for more information.
Driving Improvement/Defensive Driving 8hr course
Behind the wheel training
Classroom Education(36hrs) for Adults & Juveniles
Three Time DMV Exam Failure 8hrs course
Hour Additional Classes
 Hour Refresher course for adults over 50 with a license.

Your Turn Next

Hardy's Improvement School Driving

Hardy's Driving School

To always keep customers best interests at heart

Maintain a high level of integrity,ethical values and professionalism at all times. Maintain cultural sensitivities and diversity as well as respecting all genders.

Hardy's Improvement School Driving

Vision: To promote driver safety skills as an effort towards preventing the number of fatalities occurring each year among drivers.

Payment Options

Cash App, Check, Money Order and Cash

Hardy's Improvement School Driving

Become ready to drive again with Hardy's Driving School!